Other projects
Fluvarium 2000-2012
The Fluvarium is a scientific initiative dedicated to saving rare fish species by creating artificial habitats, meticulously designed to mimic various aspects of rivers, waterfalls, and streams, including rapid currents and deep pools.
At that time, there were only a few fluvaria worldwide with the role of protecting rare fish species:
The Brooklyn Fluvarium of the EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) - Fish Research and Conservation Service.
The Provence Fluvarium, L'Ardeche, Natural Reserve in France.
The Fluvarium of the Institute of Ecology in Bonn, Germany.
The Fluvarium of the British Society for Ecology's Aquarium.
The objectives of the fluvaria vary:
Researching rare species: to understand their biology, as many rare fish species disappear before being thoroughly known.
Captive breeding: to form a self-reproducing permanent stock in captivity and one destined for the repopulation of natural waters.
Successful repopulation: aimed at the ecological reconstruction of rivers and the restoration of affected ecosystems.
Specialist training: to develop competencies in aquaculture, fish farming, and ecological reconstruction, in accordance with the environmental aquis requirements of the European Union and the EU Water Directive.
The Fluvarium at the Faculty of Biology, University of Bucharest, was organized into five distinct rheophilic habitats, each dedicated to the conservation and captive breeding of a rare fish species. Each fluvarium had its own biological water filtration station, based on the Biolife system, improved and adapted with high-quality filter materials.
This initiative successfully hosted specimens of the four sturgeon species found in the lower Danube and contributed to the successful breeding of ornamental carp and crucian carp breeds, thus bringing a variety of colors and beauty to aquatic landscapes.
Research projects
1. Public campaign project 1999-2003 for the conservation of the coastal area Vama Veche - Making the Discovery documentary;
2. Contract CEEX - BIOTECH 120/2006 , subcontract 310/P2 ( STURDUN ) ( 2006-2008 ) - "Conservation and sustainable use of sturgeons in the Lower Danube " ;
3. Contract CEEX AGRAL 5 ( NUTRIACVA ) ( 2005-2008 ) - "Research for the production of conventional and unconventional competitive domestic feed used in aquaculture ";
4. Sector Contract 357/2006 (2006 - 2008) , "Development of reproductive technologies for rare fish species , endangered or threatened with extinction " ;
5. Contract 3800AK/20.09.2007 " Environmental risk assessment in Romania cultivation of genetically modified maize lines MON 810 and T25 " , July-December 2007 ;
6. Contract 201/2006 , CNAFP (2006 - 2007) , "Research on the mechanisms of biological filtration of aquaculture water for intensive production and superintensive " performer;
7. Contract 52-170 / 2008, PN II (2008-2012), “Development and implementation of intensive growth technologies of the species Oreochromis niloticus (Tilapia) – with a view to its introduction in aquaculture in Romania”, responsible contract, 2008-2012;
8. Contract 52-171 / 2008, PN II (2008-2012), “Optimization of the technological processes in aquaculture by introducing systems and methods of automated feeding and monitoring of water quality, in order to comply with the EU requirements regarding the quality of the environment and the products of aquaculture ”, Responsible contract, 2008-2012;
9. SMIS contract CSNR 17610 (2011-2014), “Protected Natural Area – Snagov Lake” Appropriate management through review Management plan based on scientific studies, Information and Awareness, SOP Environment, Axis 4;
10. Advanced biotechnology for intensive – freshwater aquaculture wastewater reuse – ABAWARE (2017-2019);
11. Fast Danube Nr. HRO / 16.1_335 / L / 30.11.2020 Project: Technical assistance for the revision and completion of the feasibility study on the improvement of navigation conditions on the Romanian-Bulgarian common sector of the Danube and complementary studies;
13. Contract no.604/14.10.2019 of services within the project entitled- „Biodiversity conservation and nature protection by implementing the management plan of the protected natural area ROSCI0354 Platform Cotmeana, SMIS Code 119252, with the theme of Monitoring the quality and size of habitats of Cwermabyx cerdo, Lucanus cervus, Morimus funereus and Bombina variegata at the site, the maintenance of the habitat area 3260,3270,40C0,6430,6510,9130, 91E0, * 91 MO, 91YO through measures to monitor the land use environment, the control of aquatic habitat pollution and the elimination of unregulated waste storage areas.
Environmental impact assessment
1. Craciun Nicolai- S E AQUATERRA , Subcontract with ISPH ( Institute for Study and Design collective hydro - environmental impact studies ) , 1996 environmental impact study of spatial environmental product hidoenergetică Schitu - Goleşti , Arges County 1996 -1997;
2. Nicolai Craciun – S E AQUATERRA 1996 ISPH subcontract research ( Survey and Design Institute Group of Hydro - Environmental Impact Studies ) , 1996 environmental impact study of spatial environmental product - river hydropower Rausor Fair , Lereşti , Arges County;
3. Craciun Nicolai- S E AQUATERRA , 2005 Subcontract with SCGESA PROD , Comana , Impact on the environmental impacts of tourism planning product " European village Comana ";
4. Nicolai Craciun – S E AQUATERRA 2006 , Impact study in collaboration with ISPE , biodiversity impact assessment in wind parks Nucarilor Valley , Tulcea county;
5. Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra , 2006 Impact study in collaboration with ISPE , biodiversity impact assessment in wind parks Nucarilor Valley , Tulcea county;
6. Craciun Nicolai- S E AQUATERRA , 2007 Subcontract research and achieving biodiversity impact assessment Croitoru Family Association , commune Călugăreni , village Crucea de Piatră , Jud. Giurgiu , carrying out the impact for mixed farming family and home and recreation recovery made by the family association and Croitoru Valentina Eugen Croitoru , May-September 2007;
7. Craciun Nicolai- SEAQUATERRA , 2007 Subcontract with family association Ohreac Sandu , village Crucea de Piatră, impact studies conducted Making herb Farm Family Association Ohreac Sandu;
8. Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra , 2007 Impact study in collaboration with ISPE study the potential impact of wind farms in the area Dorobanţu - Lights - Topology (Tulcea , Romania ) on biodiversity;
9. Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra , 2007 Impact study in collaboration with ISPE study the potential impact of wind farms and villages Văcăreni Isaccea (Tulcea , Romania ) on biodiversity;
10. Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra , 2008 Impact study in collaboration with ISPE study the potential impact of wind farm Medgidia - Ciocarlia ( Constanţa county, Romania ) on Biodiversity , 2008;
11. Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra , 2008 Impact study in collaboration with ISPE study the potential impact of the Cave Park Eeolian ( Constanţa county, Romania ) on biodiversity;
12. Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra , 2009 Impact study in collaboration with ISPE , Study on impact of power plant construction 1 x 800mW Free Zone Galati on biodiversity;
13. Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra , 2009 REPORT ON ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT project establishment agro complex " Gurbani Valley " or "House Florin Pārvu ";
14. Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra , 2009 , Study on the potential impact of investment " Complex Project water supply , sewerage, road construction and cultural social structures in commune Călugăreni , Giurgiu " on areas of Community SCI -SPA Comana;
15. Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra , 2009 , Study on the potential impact of intensive fish farming on species and habitats from the perimeter 0102 ROSPA Suhaia 2009;
16. Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra , 2009 Environmental Report on " natural area management plan Balta Suhaia Special Protection ";
17. Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra , 2010 Subcontract SC KVBEconomic windfarm Socol - Study on the potential impact on wildlife;
18. Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra , 2010 Subcontract SC KVBEconomic , monitoring and development monitoring report for the airport " Adunaţii - Copăceni ";
19. Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra , 2010 Subcontract SC KVBEconomic , Feasibility study on implementation of rural wind farm boasts - Smulţi - Crăieşti - Orleşti;
20. Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra , 2010 Subcontract SC KVBEconomic Monitoring report Medgidia biodiversity in the South - Cave to build a wind farm;
21.Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra, Adequate evaluation study for the investment work “Bridge over the Prut at Ungheni”, ichthyological study 2015
22.Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra, Adequate evaluation study and impact study for the investment project: Execution of the site organization with the temporary location of the concrete station and the asphalt station - technical documentation for the organization of the execution related to the investment: "Rehabilitation DN 18, Moisei - Iacobeni, for the remediation of the existing works and the completion of the remaining works to be executed: lot 3 Șesuri - Cârlibaba, Km 180 + 850 - Km 199 + 400 ”2015 - 2016;
23.Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra, Adequate evaluation study for the investment paper “Establishment of water and wastewater infrastructure, in Verești commune, Suceava county” 2016;
24.Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra association with SC ALMA Group Research SRL, Adequate evaluation study for the investment paper "Establishment of the water supply system and sewerage system in Udeşti commune, Suceava county" 2017;
25.SC Ionașcu & Ionașcu, Contract for the provision of professional services with SE Aquaterra, Development of management plans for nine sport fishermen's associations, according to Order 60/2017 of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development 2017;
26.Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra association with SC ALMA Group Research SRL, Adequate evaluation study for the investment work "PUZ in order to remove from the agricultural circuit and the introduction in the built-up area of Hârșova of 30,591sqm in order to arrange a tourist agreement" May 2016 - July 2017;
27.Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra Contract for the provision of professional services with SC Ionașcu & Ionașcu, Realization of management plans for 3 sport fishermen associations, according to Order 60/2017 of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development 2018;
28.Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra Contract for the provision of professional services with SC Ionașcu & Ionașcu, for the Adequate Evaluation Study for the investment project: elaboration of the Adequate Evaluation Study (EA) aiming at the Exploitation activities of the mineral aggregates from the Condrea aval perimeter, Siret River watercourse, in view of clearing the riverbed June 2018 - December 2019;
29.Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra Contract for the provision of professional services with SC Ionașcu & Ionașcu, for the Presentation Memorandum for the project: “Updating the general urban plans and local urban regulations for the localities of Crevedia Mare commune, Giurgiu county” September 2018 - February 2020;
30.Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra Contract for the provision of professional services with SC Ionașcu & Ionașcu, Realization of management plans for an association of sport fishermen, according to Order 60/2017 of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development December 2018 - January 2019;
31.Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra Contract for the provision of professional services with SC Ionașcu & Ionașcu, for Adequate Evaluation Study for the project: “Modernization DJ 175A, km 5 + 100 - 12 + 760, Câmpulung Moldovenesc - Rarău, Suceava County” December 2018 - June 2019;
32.Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra Contract for the provision of professional services with SC Ionașcu & Ionașcu, for field investigations for Adequate evaluation study for the project “Bucharest - Giurgiu Railway Line” May - June 2019;
33.Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra Contract for the provision of professional services with SC Ionașcu & Ionașcu, for field investigations for Adequate evaluation study for the project: “Bacău - Pașcani High Speed Road” June - October 2019;
34.Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra Contract for the provision of professional services with SC Ionașcu & Ionașcu, for field investigations for “Studies for the realization of flood protection projects on the Tur river and some tributaries, respectively the Mureș rivers and tributaries” September - November 2019;
35.Nicolai Craciun - S. E. Aquaterra Contract for the provision of professional services with SC Ionașcu & Ionașcu, for the investment project: elaboration of the Environmental Impact Report (RIM) regarding the activities of “Exploitation of mineral aggregates from the Condrea aval perimeter, Siret River watercourse, in order to clear the riverbed "November 2019 - March 2020.