Research and Development Center for Sustainable Young Leaders in Romania
The Ecological Society Aquaterra aims to create an Education Center for Sustainable Young Leaders, with the ambitious and urgent goal of educating and shaping an elite of young people, the future leaders of Romania, to meet the 17 strategic objectives of the United Nations for sustainable development. Our project targets the completion of investments in our research station's infrastructure within six years (2023-2028).
During this six-year program, we plan to attract top experts and professionals from industries such as energy, environmental protection, architecture, construction, and diplomacy, to be mentors and guides for high school students and university students. They will support presentations, conferences, and workshops focused on the UN strategic objectives, thus forming the future leaders of Romania.
Through this initiative, we wish to spark young people's interest in nature and renewable energy, develop their social skills, and cultivate their responsibility towards the community they live in. Our biodiversity conservation and rescue center in Bucovina will play an essential role in achieving these objectives, being an interdisciplinary research hub where we collaborate with students, university professors, and researchers from national and international institutes. Here we will conduct experiments and research in the field of energy efficiency and production from unconventional sources.
To ensure the success of this project, we wish to attract as many sponsors and partners as possible to support our initiative through continuous sponsorships over the six years. We have already started setting up the first interactive sustainable education club for youth within our natural reserve in the north of the country.
Through our partnership with over 25 schools and colleges in Suceava County, we aim to provide an alternative and complementary education that familiarizes young people with European legislation and UN and EU directives in the field of ecology and green energy. In addition, we will promote collaboration with other international organizations, such as Flora and Fauna International, from NATO and EU member countries.
With the financial support received, we will continue to write projects and promote the positive image of partner sponsors throughout the duration of the project. Participating in conferences, symposiums, and other relevant events, together with our partner, FEL Romania (Future Energy Leaders Romania), will help us promote our innovative and sustainable approach to energy. We are deeply grateful for your support and involvement in this vital mission of educating young people and fulfilling the UN objectives at the national level. Through your investment, you can contribute to the realization of this project and to the formation of the future generation responsible from a social, technological, and ecological perspective.
We invite you to become part of our team and build together a better future for nature and the community.
Through collaboration and support, we can contribute to Romania's transition to a sustainable society, educating young people in the spirit of responsibility and environmental protection.
Thank you in advance for your generous support.
The Ecological Society Aquaterra Team